
Recommended Web Development Courses

Recommended Web development courses

I thought I should compile a list of the courses that I recommend watching. Some of these are free, others you get on a subscription and yet others you need to buy.

Since I'm a big fan of Laravel and a Lifetime member on Laracasts many of the recommended tutorials are provided by Laracasts and requires a subscription. At the time of writing you get access to over 2000 lessons about Web development and the tools of the trade for just $15/month or if you choose a yearly plan for just $99/year and save $81 compared to subscribing per month.

We will cover the following topics.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Laravel
  • Laravel Test Driven Development
  • CSS Frameworks
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Version Control
  • Markdown
  • Regular Expressions (Optional)


HTML is one of the most important building blocks for a wed developer. If you don't know how to use HTML, you will have problems when you start to use frameworks like Laravel.


When it comes to CSS you need to know some basics before you start using frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS and Bulma.


It's always good to know the basics before tackling a framework like React, Vue, Alpine or whatever is the rage at the moment.


I haven't watched any of the PHP courses on LinkedIn yet, so I don't know if I can recommend them. However, there are quite a few to watch over at Laracasts.


Wait a minute here do I really need to know SQL? Yes, you do.

Almost all web applications use a database and most of them use a Relational database. Sure there are tools like the Laravel Query Builder and ORM (Eloquent), but none of these will be of much use when doing more complex database queries unless you know your SQL.

I have not seen this one yet, but it seems to cover the basics.


There is basically only one course needed here, and it covers almost every thing you need.

Laravel Testing

When it comes to Laravel or any development for that matter it's a good idea to use TDD (Test Driven Development) so here are some curses that I recommend.

Before diving in to the Laravel specific courses it's a good idea to understand what testing is and some of its basics.

Now that we know the basics let's move on to the Laravel specific stuff.

CSS Frameworks

JavaScript Frameworks

Version Control


Markdown isn't a required skill, but it's a good tool to have in your belt when asking questions on Stack Overflow and the Laracasts forum. You can also use it on GitHub, in descriptions and pull requests.

Regular Expressions

While not a requirement for a web developer, it's still a useful skill to know.


These are just a few of all the available tutorials out there, and the list will change from time to time. At the time of writing, I'm waiting for Laravel Beyond Crud and Testing Laravel and the Black Friday discount before buying.

There are two versions of Testing Laravel, one with PHPUnit and one with PEST. I will probably get the PHPUnit one, but if the price is right I might just get both.

Good luck on learning web development and if you have any question sign up for the Laracasts Forum and post your question there.


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